ministry Areas

At Emmanuel Baptist Church we believe that God has uniquely gifted each believer and called them to serve the church body. The ministries below are one way those gifts are expressed at EBC. If you find one that would benefit you or that you would like to serve in, make sure and fill out the interest form at the bottom of the page.

a/v team

Leader: Pastor Daniel Gray

The Audio/Visual Ministry seeks to support the worship services and other events of Emmanuel Baptist Church through amplification and creative media. With two services and the accompanying rehearsals each week, we welcome new volunteers to serve in this important area!

3d's Widows ministry

Leader: Lorraine Phillips

The purpose of the 3D's is to provide a ministry for widow's to gather, bond, and have fellowship with one another. These ladies meet on the third Monday of every month at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. 

celebrate recovery

Leader: Kat Meyers, Joe Barela

CR is a biblical and balanced program designed to help people overcome their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. This ministry meets on Sundays from 5-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.

children's church

Leader: Mia North

Children's Church is the Sunday morning worship service offered to 4 year olds through 1st graders. This worship service is designed specifically for the kids and includes singing, lessons, and activities. Children's Church runs alongside the main service times of 9-10:30 am on Sunday mornings. 


Leader: Roger Evans

The deacon ministry exists to serve the widows and widowers of Emmanuel Baptist as well as coming alongside the pastoral staff to assist with guidance, leadership, and direction. 


Leader: Mary Conner

The decorating ministry exists to serve the church with all things beautiful. From events to holidays this ministry takes care of it all!

follow up team

Leader: Pastor Cory Marcum

We value every person that walks through the doors of EBC. The Follow Up Team exists to serve that purpose by engaging with visitors, answering any questions they might have, and connecting them with small groups and ministries. 

girls in action (ga's)

Leaders: Sarah Craun and Bekah Isham

GA's is a missions discipleship program for girls in grades 1-6. The GA motto is "Go Forward!" and Girls in Action do just that - they grow closer to God as they discover their part in His plan and practice what they learn through hands-on missions opportunities. GA's leads girls to a lifelong commitment to Christ, His mission, and His church. 

greeting team/Ushers

Leader: Pastor Cory Marcum

The Greeting Team and Ushers are responsible for greeting ALL who come to worship at Emmanuel on Sunday mornings. If you are visiting, our greeters can answer the questions you might have about seating, restrooms, times, etc. You will find them in the parking lot, at the front doors, and in the sanctuary. 

Leader: Louise Snell, Pastor Daniel Gray

GriefShare is a support group ministry that helps people within our community and church to heal from the pain of grief when impacted with the death of a spouse, child, family member, or close friend by providing biblical instruction with practical guidance to effectively meet their needs. 


Leader: Terry & Debbie Meeks

The intercessory prayer team is made up of members who have a strong passion to pray for our church, country, community and any other specific needs. They gather weekly at EBC to pray. 

mentoring discipleship

Leader: Pastor David Brittain

The Mentoring Discipleship ministry at EBC exists as a means of intentional one-on-one discipleship. The goals of this ministry are genuine spiritual growth and replication. 

ministry placement team

Leader: Pastor David Brittain, Pastor Daniel Gray, Pastor Cory Marcum

The Ministry Placement Team works to help EBC members understand their gifts and callings in order to connect them with an appropriate ministry within the church.

mission friends

Leader: Mia North

Mission Friends is a ministry offered to our 3-5 year olds that desires to teach children about God's love for all peoples and nationalities. Each week they learn Bible stories and hear about different people groups around the world and how God is working in their lives. Mission Friends is held on Wednesdays from 6-7:30. 

missions team

Leader: Jan Brashear

EBC supports several ministries locally, regionally, and internationally. The Missions Team acts as the arm of EBC in serving these partner ministries through prayer, allocation of funds, and active involvement. 

moms in prayer international

Leader: Heidi Palicio

Moms in Prayer exists to teach and equip women and mothers to pray scripturally over their children and the school they attend.  

Nimble fingers

Leader: Judy Cantwell

Nimble Fingers is the crafting ministry of EBC. This ministry creates clothing, jewelry, cards, and just about anything else you can think of for the purpose of donating to those in need both locally and overseas. 


Leader: Mia North

The Nursery ministry exists to provide quality childcare for members and guests during our regular services and events. 

precepts bible study 

Leader: Terry & Debbie Meeks

Precepts is a weekly Bible study held at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The inductive method of study is used to help the believer learn how to study the Bible for themselves. This study is open to all who wish to attend. 

service planning team

Leader: Pastor David Brittain, Pastor Daniel Gray

This ministry is responsible for planning the services of EBC in order to maximize resources, align services for a unified message, and implement appropriate creativity. 

small groups

Leader: Pastor David Brittain

The purpose of small groups at EBC is to engage in a deeper understanding of the Christian life while also nurturing discipleship and community. These groups meet at various times throughout the week. 

SONS of light

Leader: Abe Barela

This men's ministry is the active pursuit of men in order to connect them with God, His word, and other men for the purpose of gathering, growing, going, and discipling God's men in Christ. This ministry hosts a men's breakfast on the third Saturday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. All men are welcome and encouraged to join. 

sunday school

Leader: Pastor Daniel Gray

The Sunday School ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church is held every Sunday right after service at 10:30 AM. There are three areas within this ministry; children, students, and adults. The children and student classes are age-based and the adults are free to choose from a variety of different classes that suit their needs or interests. 

Student Ministry

Leader: Pastor Cory Marcum

At EBC we recognize the urgency that is needed in sharing Jesus with the teens in our community. The Student ministry at Emmanuel Baptist strives to do just that through straight forward Bible teaching, preaching, and discipleship. Although we love to have a good time and eat pizza, we don't believe those things help bring students to Christ, instead we believe God's word is sufficient. Students 6th-12th grade meet every Wednesday night from 6-7:30 PM and Sundays at 10:30 AM. 

Prayer Chain

Leader: Barbara Schwab

EBC's Prayer Chain ministry exists to pray for the needs of anyone or anything by sending out notifications on an as-requested basis to a group of church members who are committed to praying for any need.

prayer tent

Leader: Terry & Debbie Meeks

The EBC Prayer Tent ministry sets up on the corner of 20th and Sunset in the EBC parking lot every week to pray for, share the gospel with, and encourage anyone who stops by.

vacation bible school

Leader: Mia North

Vacation Bible School is a weeklong summer outreach offered to the children of our community intended to teach children about God. At VBS children participate in games, arts & crafts, prayer, songs, team activities and much more. 


Leader: Mia North

Women's Missionary Union is an international organization that provides missions education, bible study materials, training, and mission opportunities for churches and individuals. WMU is go-to resource for learning about all things missions. 


Leader: Pastor Daniel Gray

The Worship Ministry exists to glorify God in thought, word, and deed, culminating in musical/artistic expressions on the corporate level. Vocal opportunities to serve include the praise team and the choir. Rhythm instruments are needed every week, with the possibility of building an orchestra in the future.

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